Free Homeschooling CDs:
All my eBooks run on Computers as webpages. (Internet Explorer,Firefox, or other browsers).
Click on Email Link (Above) to order a free copy by CD Name or Number.

..Click Play for "You Must Really Love Me" ~ Children's Choir

23 tracks/ 68 Minutes, This disk contains various groups
singing Christian Songs. First half of the disk is Children's choirs,
second half is Adult choir music(Maranatha). Songs were originally
recorded between 1975 and 1985. Available in Audio or MP3 format.
Disk Number 2004

{Click Image to View Sample Page}
1923 Edition {Music Plays on Most DVD's}
Pub. by Rand McNally, 126 Pages.
36 Stories from The Old Testament - including Bible Scene Drawings.
With over 100 Illustrations in Color.
Also includes the MP3 version of Children In Harmony Choir Music {see above}. Disk Number 126

{Click Image to View Sample Page}
1919 and 1926 Editions, {Music Plays on Most DVD's}
With 75 Full Page color Paintings, added background music,
Audio of Sermon on the Mount(mp3), with Coloring Book pages.
Also includes the MP3 version of Children In Harmony Choir
Music{see above}. Disk Number 134

365 Bedtime Bible Stories - eBook on CD
Thea Heinemann and Dorothy Ferguson,
Pub. by Whitman ~ 1942, 380 Pages
Pub. by Whitman ~ 1942, 380 Pages

This disk is the scanned book of 365 stories
(one for each day of the year). All general bible subjects
are covered, along with everyday
messages of how children can learn to love and relate to other
children. With many Illustrations, added background music,
Coloring book pages, and 100 added wallpapers of Paintings
and Photos. Extra CD Feature: Children In Harmony Album in
MP3 format for DVD or MP3 players. Disk Number 380

Golden Myths and Dictionary - eBooks on CD
Famous Myths of The Golden Age and Giant Golden Book Dictionary, Pub. by
Simon and Schuster ~ 1947, 151 Pages
Simon and Schuster ~ 1947, 151 Pages

This disk contains the scanned Oversized Books from 1947:
Famous Myths of The Golden Age and Golden Dictionary.
With 1500 color Drawings, Definitions for 1,030 words for young
children beautifully illustrated with 1940s examples of things and action.
plus 100 added computer wallpapers of Critters, Art and Space.
Also, the MP3 version of "Children In Harmony" CD on the same disk(see above).
Disk Number 89

Swiss Family Robinson - eBook on CD
Henry Altemus Adaptation of a Johann Wyss True Story,
Pub. by Altemus ~ 1896, 202 Pages
Pub. by Altemus ~ 1896, 202 Pages

This disk is the scanned book of a Christian Family
Shipwrecked on an un-inhabited Island. With 50 Illustrations,
added background music, coloring book pages,
and 100 added wallpapers of Paintings and Photos.
Disk Number 202

Flying Sails and Over The Hills
Children's Stories - eBook CD
Children's Stories from "My Book House Series",
Vols. 8 and 5, 1947 edition. 106 Pages
Vols. 8 and 5, 1947 edition. 106 Pages

Classic Storybooks are eighth and fifth
in the series from 1947. Stories and Poetry including: The Travels of
Gulliver to Lilliput, Tom Thumb,Hiawatha, Abe Lincoln Short Story and Poem
With many color illustrations, added background music, coloring book pages,
and 100 added wallpapers of Paintings and Photos. Also, 2 Hours of MP3
Music (classic and contemporary tunes) in the MP3 Folder. Disk Number 106

In Shining Armor, Classic Tales - eBook on CD
Children's Stories from "My Book House Series", Vol. 11, 1947 edition. 161 Pages

Classic Storybook is eleventh in the series
from 1947. 10 Tales and poems including: Ye Merry Doings of Robin Hood,
Knights of the Silver Shield, The surprising Adventures of Don Quixote,
Two 'Pilgrims Progress' Stories - Una and the Red Cross Knight
(Protestant Tale), and Dante's Dream of the Middle Ages (Catholic Tale).
With many color illustrations, added background music, coloring book pages,
and 100 added wallpapers of Paintings and Photos. Also, 2 Hours of MP3
Music (classic and contemporary tunes) in the MP3 Folder. Disk Number 161

Children's Stories From Tennyson - eBook on CD
Nora Chesson, Pub. by Raphael Tuck and Sons - circa 1904, 134 Pages

This disk contains the scanned book of 12 Tales
of Chivalry, Courageous Maidens and un-returned Love, including;
The Story of King Arthur, Lady of Shalott, Lady Clare, Geraint and Enid,
The Lily Maid, The Talking Oak, The Lord of Burleigh, Lady Clara Vere De Vere,
The May Queen, The Beggar Maid, The Day Dream, Enoch Arden.
With 95 Illustrations, 8 full-page Color Paintings by Arthur Dixon
and John H. Bacon, Added Coloring book pages,
and 100 added wallpapers of Paintings and Photos.
Extra CD Features: THE LADY OF THE LAKE - 1892 Edition Highlights
with Illustrations, by Sir Walter Scott, Plus 3 hours of MP3 music
for DVD or MP3 players.(instrumental music) Disk Number 134

How Plants Grow - Botany For Young People - eBook on CD
Prof. Asa Gray, M.D., Pub. by Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor and Co. ~ 1873, 232 Pages

This disk contains the scanned textbook of
Botany fundamentals and Popular Flora
with a Dictionary and Index to most well-known Plants.
Illustrated with 500 wood-cut Drawings of beautifully detailed flowers,
herbs and seeds. Background music and 100 added wallpapers of Paintings,
Photos and Space. Also, an MP3 music album of custom Americana Midi
tunes for DVD or MP3 players. Disk Number 232

Captain January - eBook on CD
Laura E. Richards, Pub. by Estes and Lauriat ~ 1892, 133 Pages

This disk is the scanned book
of a Lighthouse Keeper in Maine who rescues a baby, and
raises her as his own child. Very touching story, with
26 Illustrations, and 100 added wallpapers of Paintings
and Photos. With Shirley Temple Singing "The Right
Somebody to Love" from the 1936 movie. Disk Number 106
- eBOOK TITLE:__________AUTHOR/SERIES:__________CD#___EDITION:
- 101 Famous Poems.......................{World Famous Authors}..........182..........1929
- 365 Bedtime Bible Stories............{Story for Each Day}.................380..........1942
- A Child's History of England.........{Charles Dickens}....................228.........1897
- An Introduction To Nature.........{Birds, Wildflowers and Trees}.222.........1955
- A Picturesque Tale of Progress.....{Book House SeriesV3}............334.........1935
- Aunt Louisa's Book of Common Things..........{U.K. Primer}...........94..........1909
- Aunt Louisa's Book of Wonder Stories..........{U.K. 22 Classics}......94..........1881
- Ben, a Rough Diamond.................{U.K. Children's Story}..............162.........1882
- Best Stories From The Best Book......{35 Bible Stories/Poetry }......282..........1900
- Bible Primers/Sunday School..............{1919 and 1926}...................134..........1919
- Brooks's Readers, First Year .............{Mass. School Text Book}.......160........1907
- By Land and Sea.......................{U.K. Children's Story - Caulfield}...162.......1882
- Captain January...................................{Laura Richards}...................106........1892
- Changing Year, The.................{134 Poem Anthology by Season}....190........1883
- Children's Stories from Tennyson.......{12 Stories}..........................134........1904
- Childs Garden of Verses...................{Robt. Louis Stevenson}.........144........1923
- Child Life Magazines-2 Months...{Rand McNally Magazines}.....109..1932/1933
- Childs Own Magazine.......................{U.K}......................................148........1901
- Christmas Sheet Music.....................{World Famous Carols}..........148........1929
- City Festivals....................................{Poetry - Will Carleton}..........164........1892
- Discontented Pony, The...................{U.K. Short Story}...................14........1960?
- Electricity Comes To Us....................{Story of Electricity's Path}.....14........1937
- Elementary Geography.....................{CAL. Textbook}.....................132........1890
- Exploration and Adventure in Africa{Altemus}..............................264.........1896
- Everyday Classics First Reader..........{Mother Goose and Poems}..140........1922
- Europe Illustrated..............................{Big Book - F.K.Warren}.......115........1888
- Exploration in The Frozen Seas..........{Altemus}..............................256........1896
- Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen..{Altemus}.......................120.........1898
- Famous Myths of the Golden Age......{11 Greek Legends}................89.........1947
- Farm Festivals...................................{25 Poems of Will Carleton}..167.........1881
- Flying Sails........................................{Book House SeriesV8}.........106.........1947
- Geographical Reader and Primer.......{Line Art Only}.....................107.........1898
- Germany Illustrated w/pen and pencil.{Big Book - Sam Green}.....201........1891
- Giant Golden Bible Stories, O.T.......{with 1940s Artwork}.............116..........1946
- Giant Golden Dictionary...................{with 1940s Artwork}.............89..........1947
- Giant Golden Encyclopedia...............{with 1940s Artwork}...........125..........1947
- Grimms Fairy Tales...........................{22 Stories}...........................242.........1934
- How Plants Grow...............................{Botany Text Book}...............232.........1873
- How To Shade Embroidered Flowers..{Embroidery Tips}...............123.........1888
- Huckleberry Hound Builds a House...{Little Golden Book}..............54.........1959
- Illustrated Bible Story Book............{36 Old Testament Stories}....126.........1923
- In The Court of King Arthur............{Samuel E. Lowe Story}..........223.........1918
- In The Nursery..................................{Book House SeriesV1}..........224.........1937
- The Magic Garden............................{Book House Series}..............206.........1947
- In Shining Armor...............................{Book House SeriesV11}........161........1947
- Jesus, Stories For Children...............{9 Bible Primer Stories}...........98..........1948
- Jones 2nd Reader, The.....................{School Reader Textbook}......208........1903
- Lady of The Lake...............................{Highlights - Walter Scott}.....134........1892
- Little Bear's Playtime.........................{Children's Story}...................30.........1922
- Little Chimes For All Times..............{88 British Short Stories}........185.........1879
- Little Mother's Cookbook................{12 Recipies For Children}.......30..........1952
- Little Pictures of Japan....................{Travelship Series-Bookhouse}193.........1954
- Little Songs of Long Ago....................{Art/Sheet Music UK}..............224.........1912
- Long Ago Years Stories....................{11 Animal Fairy Tales}...........225.........1919
- Magazine of Art, The........................{Over Size Book-Line Art......}430.........1888
- Merry Music Makers........................{Musical Instruments Primer}124.........1952
- Modern Storybook............................{Children's Stories}................124.........1931
- My Book of Many Stories..................{16 Children's Stories}...........104.........1928
- My Bookhouse, The Latch Key..........{Book House SeriesV6}...........448........1925
- Napoleon: From Corsica To St. Helena..{Big Book}.........................258.........1901
- New Winston 1st Reader...................{Text Book}............................144.........1928
- Nursery Friends From France..........{Travelship Series-Bookhouse}191........1954
- Old Nursery Rhymes.........................{3 Classic Stories}...................104........1892
- Our Dumb Neighbors {spca}....{Childrens Stories/Comments}..186........1870
- Our Old Nursery Rhymes................{30 Songs/Sheet Music UK}.....224........1912
- Once, Long Ago................................{7 O.T. Bible Primer Stories}.....98........1948
- Over The Hills...................................{Book House SeriesV6}..........106........1947
- Over The Range To The Golden Gate.{Tourist Guide, West U.S.}....343......1889
- Period Furnishings.............................{Big Reference Book}............252..........1915
- Peter and Polly in Winter...................{Text Book}............................160..........1942
- Pet's Posy of Pictures and Stories......{89 British Short Stories}.......183..........1879
- Piccino and Other Child Stories.........{4 British Stories}.................203..........1894
- Riley Farm Rhymes and Roses...........{James Whitcomb Riley} .......188.........1901
- Robinson Crusoe...............................{Daniel DeFoe/Altemus}........184.........1895
- St. Nicholas Magazines Part 2..{May to October Issues}...............575.........1904
- Stories That Never Grow Old.............{Classic Stories}....................104.........1952
- Story of Nations - Norway..................{Line Art Only}......................68............1886
- Story of Samson...................................{Altemus Series}...................34............1906
- Story Time...........................................{Book House Series}..............161..........1950
- Sunday: Readings for the Young.........{U.K. Childrens Stories}.......412..........1898
- Swiss Family Robinson.......................{Johann Wyss/Altemus}.........202..........1896
- Tales Told in Holland.......................{Travelship Series-Bookhouse}192.........1954
- Tall Book of Mother Goose................{100 Silly Childhood Rhymes}120.........1942
- The Busy Book............{Children's Activities/Riddles-Elf Series}.......54.........1952
- The Great Apostles.............................{Children's Bible Stories}.......282.........1925
- The First Golden Geography.......{Geo. Primer-Little Golden Book}...54......1955
- The Latch Key-My Bookhouse......{Famous Childhood Biographies}..448...1925
- The New Neighbors on The Hill......{Alice and Jerry Text Book}........194...1951
- Through The Gate..............................{Book House SeriesV4}...........206.........1947
- Wild Flowers Textbook..........{The Nature Libraries - Doubleday}..270........1926