Favorite Bible Quote - ..HE has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, 
HE has set eternity in their heart.. Ecclesiastes 3:11

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Homeschooling Primer: How Poetry Teaches Philosophy.

ALL my poetry focuses on Battles for the heart and mind.
Without The Christian Truth Lighting your way, the other battles cannot be won.

4 Battles of the heart pic; 1.Darkness vs. Light, 2.Flesh vs. Spirit, 3.Emotion vs. Reason, 4.Discord vs. Harmony.

Battle 1: Darkness vs. The Light "..they grope in the Dark without Light" - Job 12:25
Battle 2: The Flesh vs. The Spirit "..the Spirit against the Flesh; these are contrary to one another" - Galatians 5:17
Battle 3: Emotions vs. Reason "..therefore stand still, that I may Reason with you before The Lord" - I. Samuel 12:7
Battle 4: Discord vs. Harmony "..a proud heart stirs up Discord" - Proverbs 28:25

Cherubs and Living Word Parchment animation

Philosophy in My poetry is taught on Three Levels;
1st Level: LITERAL.... a straight read of the poem for its overall message.
2nd Level: SYMBOLIC... parallels between the Physical and Unseen Worlds.
3rd Level: SPIRITUAL.. how the symbolic parallels our outlook on life(Philosophy).

EXAMPLE - While reading the first poem "Castles", you should see these Symbolic messages:

1. CHILDHOOD.. as New Beginnings and Wonders of Life.
2. DRAGONS.... are Barriers, Distractions and Enemies.
3. CASTLES.... are Early Hopes and Unfulfilled Dreams.

With the Symbolic messages in mind, a second reading should lead to this concept:

To overcome ALL obstacles and fears, Life requires the pain of experience, and a renewed heart
that trusts in The One who holds the Future, not in Fantasy. I Corinthians 13:11-13

Here are some of my Poems(by category) to read and Consider..

Castle Poetry Earthday Poetry Piano Poetry Future Poetry Poetry Link 3

..Click Play for background music "Using Things" by B.J.Thomas

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Favorite Bible Quote - ..And I will remove the stony heart out of their body, and will
 give them a heart of flesh, ...

Free Bible Quotes in Frames Link

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