Lyrics Page For Children In Harmony Album :
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Children, It was more fun to be children
We just took life as it happened
Run thru the days - Don't look behind.
Over, wink of an eye and it's over
What a surprise to discover
We were people ourselves
What kind of people did we want to be?
No answer ever came to me.
I didn't sleep at all last night
Mom, I've come to you like yesterday
About today Mom, I'm afraid.
Hon, come and sit by my side
Listen to me - Words come so hard
But, what my heart says I will give you.
Because you are in love
Your eyes begin to open
As if you had awoken from a sleep.
Because you are in love
You use imagination
And lose your concentration
When someone drops his name.
You're back in his arms as always
Your day-dreams work out that way,
It's all just a trick your mind plays
The more love grows - The more it stays the same.
(same little girl who's frightened)But I love him so
(same little girl who's sure)That she loves him so
(sees with a woman's vision, knows what a woman knows)
Because we are in love, We reach for our tomorrows
And know we won't be lonely In laughter and in sorrows
Where love abides
There is a place we'll keep our home forever - You and I,
Because we are in love.
(repeat chorus)

Dew Drops on Flowers, Playing for hours
Orange blossoms painting the trees.
Birds sweetly singing, melodies ringing
watching leaves dance in the breeze.
Life is knowing and feeling
Loving and giving good times to share.
God made life to be precious -
All living things should be handled with care.
Strawberry ice cream, acting out day dreams
laughing in spring's morning light,
teasing my kitten, snowflakes and mittens
fire flies lighting the night.
(Repeat Chorus)
There's an empty place inside my heart
an empty part i can't explain,
and i wonder if anybody else has ever felt this way?
There are times i feel i want to cry
Then i try to hold it in -
But it hurts to keep it all inside,
wish i could find a friend.
Somebody who could understand
and love me just the way i am
Someone who could help me see
Something good in me.
How i long to find the someone who
would come into my heart
and fill the empty part.
If you love the birds enough
to give them nests, and worms and stuff
to help them grow, then i suppose
You must really love me.
Watch the flowers - how they grow
when it rains, don't You know
they feel Your love coming down from up above,
so, You must really love me.
Your Word says You Love me -
that You are the one who made me
that's why You put inside me
a heart to return what You gave me.
Once You warmed the darkest night
with Your bright starry lights,
and ever since, they've shined.
So, I'm convinced you must really love me.

Can you imagine how the world would look
if everything was black and white?
without a trace of color - the day would look like night!
The Sun would just be a circle, clouds would all look the same
the leaves on the trees would be shades of gray
never to turn again.
But God wants us to enjoy His world
so He makes it bright and bold,
He splashes Life with color
to tell us, young and old ;
There's such a thrill in living
And there's such a joy that comes
from knowing that God cares enough
to paint the world with Love.
God paints the world with love
that's how i know He lives!
He fills the Earth with colors
and in that way He gives
such happiness - oh, how we're blessed
to have this picture of
a wonderful God who cares so much
that He paints the world with Love!
His world is like a coloring book,
His beauty's everywhere i look
every color that i see
reminds me of His Love for me.
(repeat chorus)

Underneath my Mother's heart
waiting for nativity,
i never was so tiny, but what God's eyes could see.
And long before my ears could hear,
He called me by my name
there, in the darkness He watched me grow
watched His creation, for long before my birthday
God was celebrating me -
He knows the very moment when my life came to be.
And from the time He gave me life
He watched me tenderly
For, long before my birthday
God was loving me!

Sometimes Life is tough
guess that's the way it goes -
Like when you blow a bubble and the gum sticks to your nose.
On days you rush to catch the bus, but it leaves you behind
it's nice to know that God is there
to love you all the time.
God is Love, God is Love
A one of a kind of a wonderful Love!
(repeat chorus)
Sometimes Life is tough
Guess that's the way it goes -
Like when you spill spaghetti on your brand-new Sunday clothes.
Or, when you don't get picked to play that special kick-ball game
It's nice to know that God is there to love you just the same.
(repeat chorus)
No matter what you're in the middle of
He's right there to care and share His Love!
(repeat chorus)

God takes some sunshine and adds some rain
then puts 'em together in His own special way
and what does He get? - it's a rainbow!
Takes the prettiest colors that could ever be
and paints up the heavens for us to see
and what does He get? - it's a rainbow!
It's hard to imagine these colors so bright
came out of the sky filled with thunder and lightning
but, God has the power to take something frightening
and turn it into a beautiful sight!
God takes the darkness of a stormy day
and lights up the world with a dazzling display
and what do we get? - it's a rainbow!
God keeps His Promise when He gives us a sign
of His unending Love for all mankind
and what do we get? - it's a rainbow!
(repeat chorus)

Creator of Life - Father above
This is the time to show You our love
for designing each one in wisdom and truth
Make our lives a reflection of You!
I'm thanking The Lord for the things He's given -
Praising The Lord for the life He has made
I'm singing a song, lifting my voice -
I want to praise His name!
Plant deep within a strong identity,
give us vision to be who You want us to be
You are our strength, The Rock where we stand -
Found our way by the power of Your Hand.
(repeat chorus)
..keeping all the hurt inside,
wishing for a friend.
Someone who feels things like you do
and knows just what you're going through -
Someone who could help you see
all that you can be!
Jesus is The Someone who
could come into your heart,
and fill the empty part.
You know it's so good to be alive
For the first time in my life
Good to know, to be sure who I am
And all of my illusions
Are falling from my eyes
Since the day I met Joy by surprise.
In my search for the truth
All I ever found were lies
Must have turned every stone along the way,
And following the path they made
It caught me by surprise
When I looked up into the Carpenter's eyes.
Like scales my illusions are falling from my eyes...
It's so good to be alive
Now that I've been born again
Good to know, to be sure who I am
And all of the confusion
Is passing me by
Since the day Jesus came into my life.
Since the day ~ Since the day I met Joy by surprise.